Q-Ride Accredited Rider Trainer (ART) Induction

If you want to deliver Q-Ride in Queensland you not only need to be qualified, you need to complete the Q-Ride Curriculum Training for Accredited Rider Trainers (ARTs). 


Can I deliver Q-Ride without having completed the Q-ride Accredited Rider Trainer (ART) curriculum course?


Who will be my trainer?

The course will be delivered by an accredited Q-Ride “Senior Trainer”.

What are the Prerequisites for people wishing to do this course?

This course is for people who hold the following qualifications:

1: TLI41416 or TLI41410 – Certificate IV in Transport and Logistics (Road Transport – Motorcycle Riding Instruction) PLUS

2: TAE40110 – Certificate IV in Training and Assessment OR

TAEASS401 – Plan assessment activities and processes; and

TAEASS402 – Assess competence  (two assessment competency units)

You MUST hold and present these qualifications to the Senior Trainer delivering the course prior to commencement.

The Flow Chart Below outlines the process towards becoming an Accredited Q-Ride Trainer:art-flow-chart

What do I do once I have completed the Q-ride Accredited Rider Trainer (ART) curriculum course?

Once you have completed the ART course a Certificate of Completion will form part of the required qualifications to be presented to TMR.

Where is training conducted?

1: Lakeside Raceway – Lakeside Road, Kurwongbah

2: Thornlands (Redland Shire)

How long does the ART curriculum training go for?

4 days (see attached program)

What is the start/finish time?

8:30am to 3:30pm

How much does the ART curriculum training cost?

$1320.00 (GST included)

You may find other Providers offering this program in a shorter time for a cheaper fee, but we have found that 4 days allows to comprehensively cover the material to prepare trainers for the industry. Q-Ride trainers are audited as a routine procedure by Transport Main Road Q-Ride auditors, so as the old saying goes, “Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance”. It is our goal to prepare you for a successful transition into the industry and beyond. Our program leaves nothing to chance, takes no short cuts or leaves you short changed in terms of government expectations and industry preparedness.

Course Dates

Scheduled Dates are as follows:

Thornlands (Brisbane South)

Tuesday 3 October 2017 to Friday 6 October 2017

If these dates do not work for you, please let us know what you can do and we’ll try and assist if possible.

Lakeside Raceway, Kurwongbah (Brisbane North)

Monday 22 January 2018 to Thursday 6 January 2018

If these dates do not work for you, please let us know what you can do and we’ll try and assist if possible.


A student who wishes to cancel their enrolment must give notice in writing. This may be via email or letter. Watto Training staff who are approached with initial notice of cancelation are to ensure the student understands their rights with regards to the refunding of tuition fees. The student is also to be advised of other options such as suspending the enrolment and re-commencing in another scheduled training program.

Students who give written notice to cancel their enrolment and who are eligible for a refund are to be provided with a Refund Request Form. Student who may not be eligible but are requesting a refund should also be provided with the request form so the request can be properly considered by the Chief Executive Officer.


The following refund policy will apply:

Students who give notice to cancel their enrolment more than 10 days prior to the commencement of a program will be entitled to a full refund of fees paid.

Students who give notice to cancel their enrolment less than 10 days prior to the commencement of a program will be entitled to a 75% refund of fees paid. The amount retained (25%) by Watto Training is required to cover the costs of staff and resources which will have already been committed based on the students initial intention to undertake the training.

Students who cancel their enrolment after a training program has commenced will not be entitled to a refund of fees.

Discretion may be exercised by the Chief Executive Officer in all situations, if the student can demonstrate that extenuating or significant personal circumstance led to their withdrawal. In these cases, the student should be offered a full credit toward the tuition fee in another scheduled program in-lue of a refund. Chief Executive Officer may also authorise a refund of tuition fees if the circumstances require it.

Where refunds are approved, the refund payment must be paid to the student within 14 days from the time the student gave written notice to cancel their enrolment. Tuition refunds are to be paid via electronic funds transfer using the authorised bank account nominated by the student on the Refund Request Form.

Do I need my riding gear and a motorcycle for the course?


Do I need to bring my lunch and water to the course?


What else do I need to being to the course?

Please bring your driver’s licence, as well as a biro and paper for note taking.

Will I receive any resources on the course?

You will receive the Transport Main Roads training manuals for:

Pre-Learner course

RE course

R course

Our Guarantee to Clients

If for any reason Watto Training is unable to fulfil its service agreement with a student, Watto Training must issue a full refund for any services not provided. The basis for determining “services not provided” is to be based on the units of competency completed by the student and which can be issued in a statement of attainment at the time the service is terminated.

Privacy Policy

Watto Training takes the privacy of students very seriously and complies with all legislative requirements. These include the Privacy Act 1988 and National Privacy Principles (2008).

Our Team

Our trainers are selected for their industry experience, practical skills and knowledge, as well as passion for life, people and learning. The professionalism of our trainers provides clients with the reassurance that their service and delivery expectations will be met. Trainers utilise innovative training techniques and ensure a safe environment in which participants are able to transfer the theoretical and practical knowledge they have gained in the classroom to their workplaces.

Contact Information

Telephone: 1300 UPSKILL (1300 877 5455)
Mobile: 0459 840 006 or 0412 986 419
Email: info@wattotraining.com